Every 2 min for 5 rounds:
A. Deadlift 5 TnG
deadlift 225/165
Friday Workout of the Day
Saturday Workout of the Day
Deadlift @3111 X 2-3 X 4; rest 2:30 between sets
3 RFT:
500m Row
21 Box Jumps 24/20
12 Body Weight Deadlifts
Post time to comments.
Only 4 people can go at a time. Please plan on waiting at least 10 min for each heat to finish. Faster folks will be in the first heat. This is a benchmark workout so check the boards to see what the top times are for this workout in our box. Good luck!
Share on FacebookWednesday Workout of the Day
15 min @80% effort:
20m Farmer’s Walk heavy
20 double unders
10 air squats
Every 4 min for 4 rounds:
A1. db walking lunges; 14-20 steps
A2. amrap strict chin ups
Tuesday Workout of the Day
Every 4 min for 5 rounds:
A1. Back squat @20X1; 3-4 reps
A2. wtd pronated chin up @21X0; 1-2 reps
3 rounds for time:
10 push press
15 burpees
10 front squats from ground
Well Monday was a nice day with spring-like temps so the On Ramp class did the workout that they did on their first night again. As you can see by the numbers this stuff works! Great job to all! Share on Facebook
Thursday Workout of the Day
Every 2 min for 4 rounds:
A. Front rack step-ups 4 total reps + amrap(-1) strict chin ups
20 min @sustainable effort
60 sec FLR
12 pendlay rows 95#/65#
16 walking lunges
Friday Workout of the Day
Every 90 sec for 6 rounds:
A. Front rack walking lunges 2-3/leg
Every 2 min for 5 rounds:
B. Wtd dip @21X1; 3-4 reps
15 min @sustainable effort:
10 db push press moderate
40 double unders
20m Farmer’s Walk single arm L
20m Farmer’s Walk single arm R
Thursday Workout of the Day
Every 3 min for 4 rounds:
A. Deadlift @21X0 4-6 reps
For time:
1250m row
30 shoulder to overhead 115#/75#
60 sit-ups
The Open is coming! Registration begins January 15th!
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