Tuesday Workout of the Day

12 minutes of split jerk practice
7 rounds for time:
7 deadlifts 185/135
7 pull ups

[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]Deadlift:
Work up to a heavy Singlle-
Write your number on the board
B: EMOM 10 Min:
Even: 10 Thrusters
Odd: 2-5 Pull Ups (strict)
3 sets:
50 Double Unders
12 GHD Sit Ups


Get it Kate!

Get it Kate!

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Thursday Workout of the Day

1 STRICT press + AMRAP push press; rest 90 sec x 3.
Record weight and number of PP for each round.

3 RFT:
3 wall walks
6 Turkish get ups 35/25


30 sec sit ups
30 sec elbow plank hold

[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]Deload Week
A. Shoulder Press X 75% X 5 X 5
B. EMOM: 10 Min:
Odd: 5-10 Ring Push Ups
Even: 5-10 Wide Grip Pronated Pull Ups (or Negatives no weight)
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 (not for time)
Supine Ring Rows
GHD Sit Ups[/wptab]


Elbows up!

Elbows up!

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

June 24
A.1.Wtd pull ups
Find 1 rep max

A.2. RFESS @31X1 8 reps per leg, find heaviest set of 8. Record both weights.
EMOM 12 min
Even – 5 clean and jerks 135/95
Odd- 5 depth jumps
Tabata sit ups

Muscle up progression:
From a set of low rings with your feet on the floor do 3 false grip ring rows the trace through to basket position in muscle up and push up from that dip position. X 5


[wptab name=’8:30am Strength’]

Strength: Deload Week:
A. Back Squat @31×1
75% X 5 X 5
B1. RDL @ 2020 X 10 X 3
B2. 10 Strict Toe 2 Bar X 3
800m row
100m Stone Carry
30 burpees
100m Stone Carry[/wptab]



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Monday Workout of the Day

20 Min to Establish a Deadlift 1RM (log your number, 3-4 people per bar)
10 minute AMRAP:
5 toes to bar
10 wall balls 20/14
20 DU

[wptab name=’8:30AM Hiit’]5 Rounds:
30 Air Squat
15 Push Ups
30 Double Unders
Med Ball Suicide Drill (Using a med ball, hold over head and run to last cone and back. Stop at each cone in both directions and pay 1 rep med ball burpee.
Block Run
Rest 2 Min


Beach WOD!

Beach WOD!

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Saturday Workout of the Day

Partner WOD
Together Run 800m then,
5 bench press at 75-80% 1RM
50M SLED Push 135/85
25 sit ups


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Friday Workout of the Day

All Classes:

With a partner:
P1: row 100m
10 wall balls
row 100m
10 light kbs
Then switch

P1:run 100 m
15 DU
run 100 m
10 burpees


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Thursday workout of the Day

A.1.Wtd pull ups 3-5 reps rest 1 minute x 3
A.2. RFESS @31X1 8 reps per leg, rest 2 min x 3.

AMRAP 15 min
10 pistols
10 back ext

( adv work on strict or parallelette HSPU)

( alternative movements are L seated DB press FOR HSPU and lunges for pistols)

[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]A. Shoulder Press @20×1
70% X 3
80% X 3
90% X 3+
80% X 3
B1. Wtd Pull Up Negs or Pull Ups Strict X 5 X 3
B2. Ring Dips X 10 X 3
20-15-10 (Not for Time)
Renegade Rows
Stone Cleans
GHD Sit Ups (or Sit Ups)[/wptab]


Muscle up progression:
From a set of low rings with your feet on the floor do 3 false grip ring rows the trace through to basket position in muscle up and push up from that dip position. X 5


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