Tuesday Workout of the Day

Strict shoulder press
In 15 minutes TAKE 90% of YOUR 1RM AND DO:
Warm Up
45% x 5
55% x 3
65% x 2
75% x 5
80% x 5
Record 85% weight and AMRAP TO BOARD.
3 rounds
10 GHD sit ups
10 GHD back ext
Power Cleans 95/65

[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]A. Back Squat @30×1
add 10lbs to your max then take 90% for the following:
65% X 5
75% X 5
85% X 5+ (AMRAP)
B1. Sled Pull 50m Heavy Walking
B2. Sorenson Hold 45s; rest 2 min X 4
C1. L sit 20 Sec in Rings; rest 1 min X 3
C2. OH Walking Lunges w/ Bumper 45/25 X 3[/wptab]




Welcome Leighton Love Ruthven!

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press
Warm Up Sets
80% X 3
85% X 3
All sets are based on 90% of your 1RM. Beginners do 3 sets of 10 reps.


800m run
TGU 53/35
Pull Ups (advanced to ctb)
GHD Sit Ups (beginners do regular sit ups or alternate)
800m run

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Murph won 1st place for Best Lifter in the Open Division for 60kg weight class and Best Master lifter. Her total was 621lbs. She broke 3 of the GA State Records that she set in October 2012.

Murph won 1st place for Best Lifter in the Open Division for 60kg weight class and Best Master lifter. Her total was 621lbs. She broke 3 of the GA State Records that she set in October 2012.

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press
Warm Up Sets
5 X 75% (of 90% 1RM)
5 X 80%


5 rounds
20x KB swings (70/53)
15x Push-ups
10x KB sumo deadlift high pulls (70/53)
5x Pistols, each leg
50m Farmer’s walk (1 Arm; 70/53)

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Like a BOSS!  Dr. Vickie White clean and jerks 170!

Like a BOSS! Dr. Vickie White clean and jerks 170!

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Friday Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press 5 X 75%, 3 X 85%, 1+ X 95%
Power Snatch
Warm up to 75% then:
75% X 3 TNG Power Snatch EMOM for 6 Min: Share a bar with up to 3 people. All three lift in the same minute.


75 Thrusters 95/65
Pay 5 Burpees at the top of each minute until all reps complete.

Nice rack.

Nice rack.

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Friday Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press

65%x5, 75% X 5, 85% X 5+ (add 5lbs on to your 1RM then take 90% of that for these)

After each set complete 5 strict pull ups or 5 weighted pull ups for 5 negatives

5 Min:
5 burpee pull ups
10 lunges
15 Sit ups

5 Min:
1 Rope Climb
20 Double Unders
3 Ring dips

5 Min:
5 GHD Sit Ups
150 m Row
10 KBS

5 Min:
10 Wall Balls
10 Burpees

Move at a pace which you can maintain constant movement.

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Thursday Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press
Warm Up Sets
70% X 3
80% X 3
90% X 3+


Shoulder Press:
3 sets of 10 w/65%


4 Rounds:
20 MedBall Sit Ups (touch the ball on the floor over your head then your toes)
20 Hammer Strikes each side
20 Walking Lunges
20 Cal Row

Raul Castillo-CrossFit North Fulton

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Thursday Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press


4 Rounds:

12 KB Snatch (6 each arm) 53/35
48 Double Unders

Post load/time to comments. The Dunk Truck will be here Monday! They have opened a few more spots so if you would like to schedule do it now! Click here for the dunk truck schedule.  Click here to sign up for the Paleo Lock Down, the cost is $30.

Jason Marcus pulls 315

Jason Marcus pulls 315

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