Fun Friday!

Fun Friday !


8 min AMRAP, 3 minute rest.

1. FC 50 M 53/35 each hand
10 hammer strikes on tractor tires.

2. 10 stone cleans
200m row

10 box jumps
10 SA alternating DB clean and press
20 sec battle ropes

Beth looks dashing in her new CFNF tank!

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Burgener Warm Up for the snatch.
A. Snatch balance 5 x 3 use light weight to practice form. Rest 1-2 min btw sets.
B. Snatch Pulls 5 x 3 light weight to practice form. Rest 1-2 min btw sets.
50 DU
10 T2B
40 DU
10 T2B
30 DU
10 T2B
20 DU
10 T2B

D. AMRAP 5 min
TGU 35/20

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Fun Friday!

All Classes:
IMG_11235 min of work at 85% followed by 2 min of rest:

10 ring push ups
10 box jumps 20″

Rest 3

1 rope
15 Russian KBS 53/35
50 jump rope singles

Rest 3

5 push jerks 95/65
16 lunges
150m row

Rest 3

10 power cleans 95/65
100m run

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Thursday Workout of the Day

5 sets:
10 DB Bench Press
50m sled Drag
20 sit ups

4 sets:
1. CGBP @20×1 X 8-10
rest 45s
2. Strict Pull Ups X 6-8 (partner assisted)
rest 45s
3. Plank Hold 45s
rest 45s
10 Min AMRAP:
10 Push Press
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Building Run

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

All Classes:

Run 400 or Row 500
15 burpees
15 pull ups
15 thrusters 75/53
Rest 2 min
X 5

Change order each time.

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Burgener Warm Up for the snatch.

A. Snatch Pull 5 x 3 light weight work on 1-2 min btw sets
B. OHS 5 x 3 , rest 1-2 min btw sets


5 rounds of:
KB Single Arm OH walk 50m right
KB Single Arm OH walk Left 53/35
10 back ext
20 air squats
30 DU
Record time to board.



A. Deadlift@30×1
85% X 5
90% X 3
95% X 1
B. EMOM 10 Min:
odd: 10 Goblet Squats
even: 10 KTE (or Sit Ups)
50 Double Unders
10 Back Ext
40 Double Unders
10 Back Ext
30 Double Unders
10 Back Ext
20 Double Unders
10 Back Ext
10 Double Unders
10 Back Ext


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Tuesday Workout of the Day

IMG_0976Dumbbell Bench Press: 8-12 reps @31×1, rest 2 min x 5.


5 rounds for time:
10 push jerks 95/65
15 KBS 53/35 ( 70/53)
30 DU

Record time to board.

[wptab name=’8:30AM’]A. Back Squat @30×1 X
80% X 3
85% X 3
90% X 3+
80% X AMRAP X 1
3 sets:
500m Row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps
3 sets:
6 TGU (3 per arm)
10 GHD Sit Ups[/wptab]






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