Tuesday Workout of the Day

Every 4min for 4 rounds:
A1. Front Squat x 1 (Heavy)
A2. DB single arm Bent over Row @4111 4-5 (Heavy, use a KB if you have to)
double unders

More Rows??? Yes please! At this point in our programming we are working on “structural” stability and strength. Rows are a great exercise for building pulling strength which is a skill that transfers to muscle ups, pull ups, chest to bar pull ups, snatch and clean and jerk. Expect to see more complex movements in August.


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Thursday Workout of the Day

Every min for 12 rounds:
A. 2 hang power cleans (Go as heavy as you can with good form)
Every 3min for 4 rounds:
B. DB Push Press 8-12
4 rounds:
5 Deadlifts (TNG) 225/155 185/135 105/65
Building Run
10 pushups


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Wednesday Workout of the Day

Every 4min for 4 rounds:
A1. Back Squat @30X0 6-8 (increase your weight from last week)
A2. Powell Raise @3010 8-10
5 Rounds for time:
400m Run
15 OHS 95/65

Post time to comments.


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Saturday Workout of the Day 9:00AM – Open Gym from 10 to 11AM

4 person teams:
p1 – 15 squat cleans 95/65
p2 – 12 db bent over rows 45/30db’s
p3 – 250m row or 1min hard on AD
p4 – rests
rotate thru all movements for 4 of each movement (wait until last partner is done to rotate)

So long to our dear friend, Ramesh.  He is moving back to India with his family.  We will miss him!   Safe travels my friend.

So long to our dear friend, Ramesh. He is moving back to India with his family. We will miss him! Safe travels my friend.

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

A1. BN Snatch Grip Push Press from the Rack 4 reps; rest 1 min then A2
A2. 1 Arm DB Row/ heavy X 10/arm x 4; rest 2 min then back to A1

See video for Snatch Grip Push Press here.
Notice how the lifter bends his knees a bit when lowering the barbell back behind the neck.


5 Rounds:
4 Strict Pull Ups
5 Wall Walks – Beginners do Turkish Get Ups
15 OH Lunges 45/25 bumper Plate

*******On MWF at 10:30 to 12:30 the gym will be packed with kids*******

Summer Camp starts this week!

Summer Camp starts this week!

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press
Warm Up Set
65% X 5 Reps
75% x 5 Reps
85% X 5+ Reps (Do until failure)
All percentages above based on 90% of your 1RM from last week

Ring Dips
3 Sets of 10


7 rounds for time:
7 power clean 135/75
7 no push up burpee lateral hops over bar

Sled Push

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Monday Workout of the Day-The Dunk Truck is here today!

Back Squat
Warm Up sets then
65% X 5 reps
75% X 5 reps
85% X 5+ reps (Max Effort-Rep it out)
Use your 1RM from last week and plug it into these figures.

B. 20 Unbroken Pull Ups X 4 sets; 3 min rest


150 Wall Balls 20/14

The Family that WOD together!

The Family that WOD together!

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