Tuesday Workout of the Day

Shoulder Press
Warm Up Sets
80% X 3
85% X 3
All sets are based on 90% of your 1RM. Beginners do 3 sets of 10 reps.


800m run
TGU 53/35
Pull Ups (advanced to ctb)
GHD Sit Ups (beginners do regular sit ups or alternate)
800m run

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Murph won 1st place for Best Lifter in the Open Division for 60kg weight class and Best Master lifter. Her total was 621lbs. She broke 3 of the GA State Records that she set in October 2012.

Murph won 1st place for Best Lifter in the Open Division for 60kg weight class and Best Master lifter. Her total was 621lbs. She broke 3 of the GA State Records that she set in October 2012.

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