A. Power Clean – build to a max in 8min
2min rest
B. Power Clean – amrap in 8min @90% of A
For total rowing time:
500m row
90sec rest
500m row
Thursday Workout of the Day
Wednesday Workout of the Day
Power Clean:
Work up to a heavy triplet (TNG) in 10 minutes.
Power Clean 70%
Box Jumps 30/24
Post load/time to comments.
Share on FacebookMonday Workout of the Day
Squat 5 X 75%, 3 X 85%, 1+ 95%
Power Clean – Work up to a heavy single (10 Min time limit)
15-Pull Ups
10-155/110# Power Cleans Inter 135/75 Beginner 95/55
5-155/110# Thrusters
Cash out: 10 Min Row, Bike or Run @ 50-60% effort.
Share on FacebookThursday Workout of the Day
Power Clean @ 75% 1 every 20 seconds for 5 Min
5 rounds for time:
20 KBS 1.5/1 pood
40 double unders
Tuesday Workout of the Day
Power Clean
10 No Push Up Burpee Box Jumps
10 Clean & Jerk 95/65
15 Power Snatch 75/15
15 Box Jumps 20 in
Tuesday Workout of the Day
Power Clean:
Work up to a heavy single in 10 min
Rest 10 Min then
EMOM for 8 Min: 3 Power Cleans at 85% of 1 RM
3 sets:
AMRAP Double Unders
400m Run (run fast)
3 Min Rest