Thursday Workout of the Day

A. Power Clean – build to a max in 8min
2min rest
B. Power Clean – amrap in 8min @90% of A
For total rowing time:
500m row
90sec rest
500m row



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Thursday Workout of the Day


Every min for 12 rounds:

A. 2 hang power cleans (as heavy as possible with good form)


Every 2min for 4 rounds:

B. DB Push Press 6-8 reps/arm


6 rounds:

12 kb swings 70/53 53/35 35/25

30 double unders

rest 90 sec

Does your booty pass the barbell test?

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Friday Workout of the Day

Please confirm with a L1 Coach if you want to get judged today/Saturday8:30AM Ladies.  Don’t forget to post your score to the Games site.

Power Snatch + 3 OHS  X 5 sets (increase weight each set)


OHS 95/65

Post time to comments.

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Thursday Workout of the Day

Power Clean @ 75% 1 every 20 seconds for 5 Min

5 rounds for time:
20 KBS 1.5/1 pood
40 double unders

"Pug Life"

“Pug Life”

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Thursday Workout of the Day

Snatch Balance
75%X 3 X 5

Three rounds, 9-7- and 5 reps, for time of:
135 pound Squat snatch

Intermediate and Beginner:
Power Snatch 95/65 Bar for Beginners
Ring Dips

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Push Jerk


4 Rounds:
10 Ring Push Ups
10 Box Jumps 30/24
10 GHD Sit Ups (beginners do regular sit ups)
10 KBS 70/53
Block Run

Good form!

Good form!

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Friday Workout of the Day

MAP Friday

8 Min:
10 Burpee Box Jumps
100 M Run

Rest 2 Min

8 Min:
150m Row
10 Push Ups
5 Power Cleans 95/65

Rest 2 min

8 Min:
24 Double Unders
12 Thrusters 95/65
6 CTB Pull Ups


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