Friday Workout of the Day

A. Press – build to a max in 12min
B. Tabata sit-ups for total reps
20min amrap
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 air squats


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Thursday Workout of the Day

A. Power Clean – build to a max in 8min
2min rest
B. Power Clean – amrap in 8min @90% of A
For total rowing time:
500m row
90sec rest
500m row



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Wednesday Workout of the Day

A. Wtd Pullup (record bwt) – build to a max in 10min – if can do a strict pullup, then score is bodyweight, if no strict pullup, then max time hold chin over bar
5 rounds for time:
14 pistols
21 double unders
In 10min, build to 8RMs in both movements:
DB External Rotation @3010
DB Powell Raise @3010

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

A. Back Squat – 15min to build to a max
5min rest after BS max
B. Back Squat – amrap @30X0 @85% of A
C. DB RFESS @3010 8RM OR Barbell Behind the Neck RFESS @3010 8RM in 10min – weight is the db/kb weight or 1/2 barbell weight
2k row for time


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Monday Workout of the Day

It’s testing week again (with a little 14.2 at the end of the week!) Every 8 to 10 weeks Crossfit North Fulton in Roswell assesses your strengths and weakness with a week of fitness tests. The programming is then written based on those test results. The goal is to create a more balanced athlete through precise programming instead of random workouts. Please refer to the December numbers here.
“Olympic Total”
A. 20min to work to Snatch max
B. 20min to work to Clean and Jerk max
Sorensen test – hold top of back extension (parallel with ground), chin tucked, hands on temples for as long as possible without drooping (2min cap)
Side Bridge tests – hold side bridge with side of L foot and L forearm on ground, hips neutral, for as long as possible, then R side (90sec cap each)

Congrats to our new On Ramp Graduates!  Welcome Brett, Nancy & David!

Congrats to our new On Ramp Graduates! Welcome Brett, Nancy & David!

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Monday Workout of the Day

“Olympic Total”
A. 20min to work to Snatch max
B. 20min to work to Clean and Jerk max
Sorensen test – hold top of back extension (parallel with ground), chin tucked, hands on temples for as long as possible without drooping (2min cap)
Side Bridge tests – hold side bridge with side of L foot and L forearm on ground, hips neutral, for as long as possible, then R side (90sec cap each)

This week is re-test week. Please make sure your numbers are on the board.

Preview 1
Hoodies coming soon!

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

A. Wtd Pullup (record bwt) – build to a max in 10min – if can do a strict pullup, then score is bodyweight, if no strict pullup, then max time hold chin over bar
5 rounds for time:
7 HSPU – beginners do DB Push Press
14 pistols – beginners do walking lunges
21 double unders
In 10min, build to 8RMs in both movements:
DB External Rotation @3010
DB Powell Raise @3010

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