Every 4min for 3 rounds:
A1. Back Squat @30X0 10-12
A2. Powell Raise @3010 10-12
4 rounds:
5 hang squat cleans 135/95 115/75 Beginners: Power Clean + Front Squat 75/55
20 back extensions
60sec rest
Groups of 4:
p1 – 150m row all out
p2, p3, p4 – rest
team cycles through three times
Wednesday Workout of the Day – We Close at 1:30PM Today
Monday Workout of the Day
Every 4min for 4 rounds:
A1. Front Squat @31X1 10-12
A2. DB single arm Bent over Row @4111 10-12
20min amrap
5 strict pullups
10 dumbbell walking lunges 25/15
30 double unders
Congrats to team CFNF. 1st place in the Atlanta Affiiate league regular season and second place (by 3 reps) in the finals! Well done!
Saturday Workout of the Day 9:00AM – Open Gym from 10 to 11AM
4 person teams:
p1 – 15 squat cleans 95/65
p2 – 12 db bent over rows 45/30db’s
p3 – 250m row or 1min hard on AD
p4 – rests
rotate thru all movements for 4 of each movement (wait until last partner is done to rotate)
Wednesday Workout of the Day
Every 2:30 for 3 rounds:
A1. DB SA Press L @3010 10-12
A2. DB SA Press R @3010 10-12
15min amrap
8 push press 95/65
12 kb swings 53/35
30 sec FLR
DB SA Press = Dumbbell Single Arm Press. Do the left, then the right. Post rounds to comments.
Share on FacebookMonday Workout of the Day
Every min for 8 minutes:
A. Power Clean x3 135/95
20min amrap
10 ball slams heavy (use the smaller black dballs if available)
15 pushups
30m Farmer’s Walk 70/53 (1 X around the room)
Thursday Workout of the Day
A1. Narrow Grip Push Ups @2011 X 8-12 (if you can do more then elevate your feet or add some weight)
A2. 1 Arm Torso Rows @30×1 X 10/arm (go heavy); rest 2 min x 4 sets
500m Row
3 minute rest
X 4
Record your splits for the 500m row.
Share on FacebookTuesday Workout of the Day
A. Weighted Pull Ups (or pull ups or negatives) @2011 X 3-5 reps X 4 sets
B. 3 Min AMRAP – 3 HSPU (how many sets of 3 can you get in three minutes)
Burpees 🙂