Put a partner or HEAVY weight in the push sled.
50 M sled push
10 supine strict pull ups. ( advanced do L pull ups)
10 GH raises. ( beginners do back extensions)
Switch and P2 goes.
Put a partner or HEAVY weight in the push sled.
50 M sled push
10 supine strict pull ups. ( advanced do L pull ups)
10 GH raises. ( beginners do back extensions)
Switch and P2 goes.
For time:
100 pull ups
100 squats
100 push ups
100 Sit Ups
Once all reps are complete
Share 20 stone cleans Adv.115/85
Beg-Int 85/40 and 400 m run together.
Work as a team of two. Only 1 person works at a time. Run the 400m together.
Kara Kitchen’s gets her first muscle up and wins a $50 Lulu card + a tub of Formulx! Great job!
“The Filthy Fifty”
For time:
50 Box jump, 24 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
50 Burpees
50 Double unders
Grab a partner. One Person Works at a time. Post time to comments.
Share on Facebook4 person teams:
p1 – 20 kb swings
p2 – 12 push press
p3 – rests
p4 – rests
rotate thru all movements for 3 of each movement
same teams, one time thru:
p1 – 10 burpees, 400m row
p2 – rests
p3 – rests
p4 – rests
9:00am Class & 10:00am Open Gym
Share on Facebook4 person teams:
p1 – 15 squat cleans 95/65
p2 – 12 db bent over rows 45/30db’s
p3 – 250m row or 1min hard on AD
p4 – rests
rotate thru all movements for 4 of each movement (wait until last partner is done to rotate)
So long to our dear friend, Ramesh. He is moving back to India with his family. We will miss him! Safe travels my friend.
1 Rep Max OHS off a rack
1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk
13 Min Time Cap for Both Lifts
Rest 2 Min then
Partner Carry 400m
Other 2 Partners must complete:
40-30-20 Reps
SDHP 75/45lbs
Weighted Step Ups 45/25lb (Holding Bumper)
Then Switch.
This is a 4 person team workout. Record total weight for each individual for part 1. Ladies get 1 1/2 lbs to every men’s 1 pound. You have a 13 min time cap to complete BOTH lifts. Don’t spend all your time on the OHS! This wod is the same WOD that team CFNF will be doing today in the Atlanta Affiliate League.
Kerrie Napoli gets a Bar Muscle Up!!!!
“Team Murph”
1 Mile Run
100 Pull Ups
200 Push Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
Run together, split the reps. One person works at a time.
******Reminder: CFNF is closed Monday in observance of Memorial Day! Meet at Murph’s house at 9:00am Monday morning for a Seal Pool WOD. She lives in the subdivision behind Costco. Bring your goggles!
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