Friday Workout of the Day

A. Snatch Practice 65-75% X 3 X 3 (beginners, work with PVC practicing the Burgener Warm Up and Skill Transfers.
B. Snatch Pulls @90% of 1RM X 3 Reps X 3 Sets+

Power Snatch 95/65
Box Jumps 24/20in

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

OHS Build to a Max


30 Snatches for time
135/95 115/75 75/53

Big Dawgs:

A. OHS; build to a max
10 min AMRAP:
25 Snatch 75/45
25 Snatch 115/70
25 Snatch 155/95
25 Snatch 195/110
(power or squat)(you may only use 1 bar)

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Thursday Workout of the Day

A. Power Snatch + OHS + Snatch Balance 95/65 (no higher) X 5 sets – work on technique and get under the bar quickly.

B1. Split Squats @3111 X 8 reps/each leg X 3 sets
B2. 12-20 Clapping Push Ups X 3 sets
B3. 20 GHD Sit Ups @2011 X 3 sets (Beginners do regular sit ups or weighted sit ups)


60 Second Row X 4 sets; rest 4 min bt sets

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

A.  Snatch Balance
75% X 3 X 5 sets
B.  Split Squats
@3010 X 8 reps each leg (advanced: goal is 33% BW in each hand) 3 sets; rest 60 seconds
(advanced also do 10 strict muscle ups)


50 Wall Balls 20/14
40 Double Unders
30 Cal Row
20 Box Jumps
10 Broad Jumps
800 m run

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Register now for the Halloween Throwdown Series (CFNF is a registered affiliate!) October 25th through October 31st.  The cost is $7 and will be completed in our gym. The workout will be announced on the 25th and we have until the 31st to submit our results.  Compare yourself to other athletes your age and gender.

“Dang, 6 AM is synchronized!” Ok so I made them pose..

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Monday Workout of the Day

Beginners & Intermediates:
OHS @3010 X 5 reps X 4 sets (If no OHS do 1 Arm Overhead Walking lunges)
Barbell Stationary Lunges 8 each leg X 3 sets

10 Min for a heavy single Snatch
Barbell Walking Lunges 8 each leg X 3 sets (go in the blue room)


7 Rounds:
5 Power Snatch 135/95 115/75 75/53
150 Double Unders

RHS Boys 10th Grade LAX.

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