Tuesday Workout of the Day

Every 3min for 5 rounds:
A. Deadlift @2110 4-5 reps
20min amrap
15 double unders
10 kb swings 53/35
10 burpees
400m run
For time:
75 sit-ups

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Every 3min for 3 rounds:
A. Deadlift @2110 10-12 reps
8min amrap
10 kb swings
10 sit-ups
Side bridge L – accumulate 2min
Side bridge R – accumulate 2min

So happy to see this girl!

So happy to see this girl!

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Friday Workout of the Day

6 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts moderate 185/135 155/105 95/65
30sec side bridge L
30sec side bridge R
12 burpee box jumps 24/20

Warm up your deadlift thoroughly then do the WOD. Post time to comments.


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Wednesday Workout of the Day

Deadlift – These percentages are based on 90% of your 1RM – Beginners do 3 sets of 10 reps
65% X 5
75% X 5


Thrusters 95/65 65/45 45/33
GHD Sit Ups (beginners do regular sit ups)

Post load/time to comments.


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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Deadlift 5 X 75%, 3 X 85%, 1+ X 95%
Collect 3 Min of Plank – do this in the warm up.

Tabata – 8 minutes alternating exercises of…
Push Press/K2E’s
 95/65 (you must use the same  bar throughout)
Overhead Squats/Double Unders 95/65
Pull Ups/ Sit Ups
Ring Dips/Row

The CrossFit Open starts next week…..Have you registered?

8:30am gettin their buddy carry on!

8:30am gettin their buddy carry on!

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Wednesday Workout of the Day


Warm Ups Sets

70% X 3

80% X 3

90% X 3+ AMRAP



5 sets

10 DB Thrusters  35/25

40 Double Unders

100m Run

2 Min Rest (watch your own time)

Post total time on the board

CFNF will be participating in A WOD for a Cause on March 30th.  Let Kim know if you want to be on a team.


Nice finish!

Nice finish!

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

40% X 5
50% X 5
60% X 5
70% X 10 X 3


7 Rounds:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push UPs
5 T2B
10 Thrusters w/ db’s 35/20


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