A1. Back Squat 3 x 5 add 5-10lbs to 2 weeks ago
A2. Wtd Pull Ups X 3-5 X 3
500M row
21 box jumps
12 BW deadlifts
Coach Kim and the Crossfit Weightlifting Coaches Course staff at Crossfit Reignited in Wilmington.
A1. Back Squat 3 x 5 add 5-10lbs to 2 weeks ago
A2. Wtd Pull Ups X 3-5 X 3
500M row
21 box jumps
12 BW deadlifts
Coach Kim and the Crossfit Weightlifting Coaches Course staff at Crossfit Reignited in Wilmington.
1 Shoulder Press + AMRAP Push Press (do 1 press then immediately do as many push presses as you can with the same bar) x 5 sets – Increase weight each set.
3 Rounds:
500m Row
21 Box Jumps (games standard) 24/20
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
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3 rounds:
500m Row
12 Bodyweight Deadlifts
21 Box Jumps
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********CFNF will be closed Wednesday, July 4th**********
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