Every 3 Minutes for 4 rounds:
5-6 CGBP@21X1.
4 rounds:
1 minute of rowing
Rest 15 seconds
30 seconds of push-ups
Rest 15 seconds
*record push up total
4 rounds:
1 min AD
Rest 15 seconds
30 seconds strict press 95/65
Rest 15 sec
*record number of presses
8:30AM Strength and Structure Class:
A1. Deadlift @ 30×1 X 10 X 3; 60 sec
A2. Traveling Push Ups X 10 X 3:60 Sec
B1. PC + 2 Lunges X 5 X 3; 60 sec
B2. Sup Wtd neg Pull Ups or Wtd Pull Ups 5 reps; 60 sec
C1. T Bar Row @30×1 X 10 x 3; 60 s
C2. DBBP @ 3011 X 10 X 3; 60s
D1. BN Standing BB Press @20×1 X 10 x 3; 30 sec
D2. GhD Sit up w/ Russian Twis X 10 X 3; 30 sec