We’ve been having some technical difficulties since updating to a new operating system!!! Sorry for the missing blog posts!
8:00AM Bootcamp:
Warm Up:
400m Run + “Fit Ball”
SE7EN #1
7 sets of:
70 Jump rope Skips (Advanced 50 Double unders)
7 Burpees (Beginners Squat Jumps, Inter NOPUB, Advanced Burpee)
7 Sprints (Beginners 20m, Inter 25m, Advanced 30m)
Each round is 4 min: Complete the sprint as fast as you can and rest for the remaining time.
CrossFit 9:00AM
In a team of 3 AMRAP 15 minutes of:
Player 1: 200m Run (pacer)
Player 2: 3 Wall Balls + 1 Burpee (Record reps each round)
Player 3: Plank Hold
Score is total burpees
Rest 5 minutes
In a team of 3 AMRAP 15 minutes :
Player 1: 250m Row (pacer)
Player 2: 15 Double Unders + 1 GTO 135/95 (Record reps each round)
Player 3: Russian KBS 53/35
Score is total reps of GTO
Player 2 and 3 keep doing prescribed movements and reps until the pacer is finished, then rotate.
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