A.1.Wtd pull ups 3-5 reps rest 1 minute x 3
A.2. RFESS @31X1 8 reps per leg, rest 2 min x 3.
AMRAP 15 min
10 pistols
10 back ext
( adv work on strict or parallelette HSPU)
( alternative movements are L seated DB press FOR HSPU and lunges for pistols)
[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]A. Shoulder Press @20×1
70% X 3
80% X 3
90% X 3+
80% X 3
B1. Wtd Pull Up Negs or Pull Ups Strict X 5 X 3
B2. Ring Dips X 10 X 3
20-15-10 (Not for Time)
Renegade Rows
Stone Cleans
GHD Sit Ups (or Sit Ups)[/wptab]
Muscle up progression:
From a set of low rings with your feet on the floor do 3 false grip ring rows the trace through to basket position in muscle up and push up from that dip position. X 5