800m Run together
100 Burpees
100 Tire Flips
While Partner 1 does burpees, partner two does tire flips. Switch every minute until 100 Burpees and 100 Tire Flips are completed.
1000m Row (Separately – break it up however you like)
Post time to comments.
You voted for your fave partner WOD! The results are in! Pebbles wins $100 for this workout:
3 Rounds:
3 Sets each:
3 ground to OH 95/65
6 pull ups
9 burpees
400m Run after each team completes 6 sets total
1 person works at a time
Thanks for voting! Great job Pebbles!
Congrats, Pebbles! Great workout.
Got somewhere around 16:10-16:30 area. I was in a group of 3 with Grant and Nate. We did really good. Mitch said we beat the best adult time from earlier in the morning and they had 2 people!