The Meat Grinder!
Team WOD #2 – Remember to vote when the time comes! $ is at stake here!
Block run stone carry for advanced (100/80) Bumper plates for Intermediate 45/25 Beginners 20lb med ball
***stone must not touch the ground. Can be passed between partners
If dropped each partner must do 5 burpees
50 wall ball 2fers
Block run stone carry
50 Partner box jumps
Block run stone carry
50 partner facing front squats (135/95)
***Cannot put bar down, pass bar when needed
Block run stone carry
200 Double Under Buy out !
For the next several weeks the coaches at CFNF coming up with fun team wods for you guys to do. I am giving a cash prize of $100 to the coach whose WOD gets the most “favorited” votes.