Wednesday, right?

  DSCN0243 Yours truly, sick with a box of kleenex.  


For time:
Row 500 meters
150 Double-unders
50 Burpees

Post time to comments. 

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  1. You guys might have an out of town visitor tomorrow morning, fyi. Be nice!

  2. bsawkins says

    10.33 today rx’d. Not ecstatic with the time, but it was still fun.

  3. Stringer says

    enough with the beach postings…way to rub it in!

  4. I tried hittn on that hot girl on the beach….got shot down.

  5. i don’t think you are her type

  6. Hey, on Sunday plan on doing the Coalminer’s Daughter WOD for the people that lost their lives in the West Virginia mining accident.
    5 rds:
    400 m run
    push ups
    box jumps
    floor to overhead (135/95)
    pull ups
    the reps will be the number of fallen, which is at 25 so far, hopefully no more