Carol is amazing. What ever you throw at her she will tackle and she’s older than you!
Make up a missed workout or come in for a surprise workout.
NOTICE: Saturday June 21st is Pebbles & Jpo’s birthday celebration. Join us poolside at the W Hotel Perimeter and then chow down at Maggianos at 7:30.
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It was good to finally do something tabata to get a better feel for it.
Now I know where to push harder and when to ease up.
Next Tabata:
“Tabata Fight Gone Bad”
5 Consecutive Workouts
8 Rounds Each
Wallball (Men 20 Ladies 14)
SDHP (Men 75 Ladies 53)
Box Jumps (Men 24″ Ladies 18″)
Push Press (Men 75 Ladies 53)
Row (For Calories)
Low Round is Scored
Wow. What a fun morning. Kim and Brad had everyone doing sit ups, squats, rowing, shoulder pressing, doing pull ups and doing back extensions all at once. It was an organized zoo!
Eddie Matt(now Bam Bam) and I did the shoulder press WOD. Bam Bam put a beat down on that work out. 16:16rx. AWESOME. Eddie and I hung in there to finish a few minutes later. I was 24.00 something using 53#. I still can not feel my shoulders and am fearful of tomorrow.Yikes.
Way to go Zena Princess Warrior, Tuna, Hicky, Eve, Austin and everyone else that was at 7am. Way to Tabata!
See ya tomorrow.
Be careful what you wish for Austin, my friend Brad does CrossFit in Midtown and his WOD was 5 rounds of Fight Gone Bad. Suffice to say, puking ensued.
To all who tabatad, good job. It was fun.
And to Eddie “No Nickname” Snyder, Pebbles and BamBam: Good Job Y’all on the shoulder workout. “No Nickname” cannot lift his luggage to go out of town; I’m sure Pebbles had trouble washing her hair and BamBam was DaBomb!!!
“Tabata” sounds like a mean, cruel woman!
Everything mean and cruel in Crossfit usually has to do with a woman Charlie…Fran, Angie, Helen, Eva, Christine….
AND KIM!!!!!!
I don’t think of tabata as a girl…
more like a small Japaneses man trying to whip your ass. Sort of like the sensey(sp?) in Karate Kid.
Thanks Gdog, I take that as a compliment!
Austin – next time I do tabata I’ll hear that short guy whispering “wax on, wax off” in my ear.
Good one G-dog!
oops! I think you were talking bout my wife. Sorry dear!
Austin that is Kim just a FYI be careful what you post she is a firecracker who WILL whip you A** and will do it with a smile over and over and over it is what she enjoys in life that is why she is a trainer.