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      New Shirts are in!  All proceeds benefit the Roswell High School Lacrosse team.  $20 cash or check please.  Quantities are limited, first come first served (except for those that pre-ordered!)



3 Rounds for time:

800m run/ 50 Sit Ups/ 50 Back Extensions

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  1. Congrats to Tom Denham! His recipe made it the the Foodee Project’s Recipe of the Day!

  2. That was pretty rough to be honest. Thanks to Baldwin, Jenny Q and Jacklyn for being there to share the pain.
    Worked on the Snatch lift with Breeze, then the Jerk 185lbs x3x3 and then Michael including GHD’s 23.36 RX. Not sure how long it will take me to recover, but my legs and lower back are already tying up…not good.