WooHoo! It’s Helen!
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
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Share on FacebookWooHoo! It’s Helen!
Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Pull-ups
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Have fun with helen…i actually like that one!
p.s. correction to yesterday’s statement..it was a delayed reaction. My butt and shoulders both are smarting!!
Helen is always harder than it seems like it is going to be.
It took me as long to do Helen as it did to do the whole deadlift, ring dip, OH lunge work out yesterday. 16 something. Used the band to hit chest to bar.
I am sore from the deadlifts (I think).
Have a great day everybody.
Disappointed not there for Helen! Sammy and I are headed to Chicago…maybe we can do as a make-up workout later this week? Have fun everyone.
When & where is the next Challenge? I heard Sept 13. Are we not doing one in August?
Just looked at Jonah’s party pics – you guys are too funny. I hate that I missed it! I love all the camo – very cute picture of Justin and Sarah. And did anyone notice how thin and lean all the Hicky’s are! I’m a little bitter. I need to have a word with my mother about the genetics in my family! Thanks for posting those Kim.
See you guys at 5:30 for Helen!
Sally. You did not miss a thing. It was brutally hot. 22 and change. Slowest on the board.
Breeze was lightning today. He was done, showered, dressed and even put a hand full of his Drakkar Noir on before I finished my final pull ups.
Rough day for GB. Tomorrow will be better
Did Helen at Gold’s today. Forgot to time, but I think it was around 12 – 14 minutes Rx. Those 55lb. dumbbell swings def. hurt after all of those deadlifts yesterday.
Sucking wind bigtime today! 16 & change. The pullups weren’t bad. it was my running….chuga chuga!
Ditto to everything Pistol said – I felt like I had asthma when I was running – ugh!
Tomorrow will be better!
Nice to meet Katie and Cory and great job Stanley!