Run 1 mile
Two minutes of each:
30 pound Dumbbell thrusters
20 pound Medicine ball cleans
Post total time and total reps plus calories (from row) to comments.
The clock runs continuously for the ten minutes after the run.
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Alright. Another new work out. Awesome. Good to get back in the game.
Don’t be slow like I was this morning. I kept forgetting that the clock was ticking!
fun workout, just couldn’t find the energy to do well enough.
see yall tonight.
I was slow today. I worked out alone so I ran my own clock. I even stopped it for a bathroom break! I think I was “done” after the mile run. My DU’s even sucked today.
Will be better tomorrow.
Back after too long a hiatus… see what a week will do to a junkie.
Loved the workout today! Prolly most proud of a 7min mile…didn’t think these stubbies had that in me. As far as the other exercises, can’t wait till this one comes up again. It’s all in makin money in the DU’s and PU’s. 143 or 144 don’t remember….might actually been 104 with FSU countin’.
Glad to be back. I have to say that the posts have had a “suck factor” of 8 for the last week. When your trying to get a fix from afar, the posts feed your jones! Start postin people.
Sup? Sammy made me post tonite from Fernandina Beatch. I’ve been long gone while nursing my iron lung…if anyone has a spare they want to donate please let me know. I’m flyin home in the monin and am gonna try to make it later in the day to see my Breeze and Pistol. Stella – please don’t tase me bro. (I already know it’s gonna hurt…)