CFNF is sad to say good-bye to Kristen and Jason Milliron. It's bittersweet. Jason got transferred to California and being that they are originally from Cali and their family is there it's a welcomed move for them. We are sad to see you go but are happy for you at the same time. Good luck and keep in touch! You will be missed.
TUESDAY 100629
Set a cone at 20 meters. Five rounds for time of:
185 pound barbell Overhead walk, 40 meters
30 Wallball shots, 20 pound ball
50/35 db Farmer carry, 40 meters
The barbells must be turned around the cone.
Laurie Galassi 17:34 (125lbs / 14lbs / 65lbs), Pat Barber 18:22, Rob Orlando 18:23 (with 20lb vest), Rebecca Voigt 23:39 (115lbs / 16lbs / 65lbs), Elyse Umeda 24:07 (125lbs / 14lbs / 65lbs), Kristan Clever 26:26 (115lbs / 16lbs / 65lbs). Post time to comments.
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this looks hard!!!…:(
Happy Birthday Sammy!
Hagler…your like on CrossFit Crack. Good Lawd!
See everyone at the end of the week. Lake is FUNNN!
Kristen and Jason have a safe trip back to Cali…you will be missed!!
Sammy Happy Birthday!
Hit 6 AM again…22:29 RX with a 2 pood on the farmers walk. The most challenging part was stopping to turn. Happy Birthday Sammy! Sweet picture.
Good time Stringer. Happy Birthday Sammy.
Looks like a good WOD
Happy Birthday Sammy!
Happy Birthday Sammy! Will we see you at lunch?
This is going to be tough because I can’t clean 185, so I’m screwed for then extending it above my head and carrying it 40meters. I’ll have a crack at 155lbs and see how that goes. FLAMING WALL BALLS…HATE EM! Can you tell I am really looking forward to this one?
That was tough, I feel bad for you late afternooners, cause it was HOT at 6am!
Great job Stringer!
Sad to see the Millirons go but
happy that we now have a place to crash when we go to California!!
Happy Birthday Sammy:)
Happy Birthday Sammy. Looking forward to this WOD. Great time Stringer.
So long Kristen and Jason! I like Xena’s point, at least we have a place to crash in Cali!!! Happy Birthday Sammy! Come in for a bday wod and have a beer after! Free beer in the cooler, ya’ll. Get some! Thanks Hagler for wodding with me. 23:10 with 103/35
So the WOD was actually a lot of fun, but hard. 26.30 something I think. Used 155lbs for the OH and 2pood kettlebell for the farmer’s walk. Hard work throughout. But fun! Good job to Alice and Law at lunchtime, they both beat me as did Ivy, our youngest crossfitter, she breezed through it making me feel old in the process. LOL!
my time 24:36…..83 pound overhead and 35 pound kettleball……actually liked this workout….especially the farmers walk….the thing that sucked was bringing all the equipment back inside after the WOD!!!….Ben…u looked good doing this workout…thanks for the tip on the turns on overhead walk…think I could have probably added more weight, but happy to get it over with…day 2 in the books…see everyone tomorrow at lunch!!
I always look good doing the workouts…comes with the territory of being the 007 of the CFNF. LOL! Just kidding. Thanks Hagler, keep the compliments coming.
Yeah the turns were the worst…that was where the momentum was lost and the outside shoulder pays the price.
fun workout.
It doesn’t have to be fun to be fun! Nice job!
PS. Big props to Meatball for doing the WOD Rx’d!!!
Thanks Pistol!!