
Pebbles is getting ready for her first Power Lifting meet this Saturday!  Details on time/place to come! 

TUESDAY 100713

"Fight Gone Bad!"

Three rounds of:
Wall-ball, 20 pound ball, 10 ft target (Reps)
Sumo deadlift high-pull, 75 pounds (Reps)
Box Jump, 20" box (Reps)
Push-press, 75 pounds (Reps)
Row (Calories)

In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute.The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. On call of "rotate", the athletes must move to next station immediately for best score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.

Add your points and post them to comments.

Compare to 100117.

Check out Nicole!

Nicole Gets A Pull Up! from CrossFit North Fulton on Vimeo.

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  1. I’m super excited to see Pebbles kick some butt on Saturday!!
    Congrats Nicole on your pull-up!!!!

  2. woa….don’t know about that kickin butt thing. We will just see how it goes 🙂
    Yea Nicole.
    I hate to miss FGB. One of my favs.

  3. Hey,GND and Peggy…..will bring flour today. Was out of big zip locks. Should be there by this afternoon.

  4. Stringer says

    Should be in there today at 5…never done FGB…anyone else want to hit it at 5…I need someone to push me…

  5. Getting my brakes fixed on my car, so I won’t be there tonight (thank the Lord, because FGB is not my friend!), but I’ll get it tomorrow and bring you money then. Thanks for ordering!

  6. Looking forward to Saturday. If any of you are going to come and are interested in taking some pictures or video I would appreciate the help. I am coaching Christy so I don’t think I will be able to do it.

  7. I am going to try and make and will bring my camera. Pebbles you’re strong for days, you’ll do great!! When does the meet start?

  8. austinmclean says

    Stringer you are in for a wonderful treat…
    Nicole…I dont think your chin went over the bar 🙂

  9. Awesome job Nicole! Austin’s view from Kansas is distorted!
    I felt like Pebbles had a great chance of bringing home the gold this weekend until I heard who her coach was! Maybe next time Pebs…

  10. Great pull up Nicole.
    I’ll get in there probably for 6:30.

  11. i’ll be there. I won’t be pushing you too hard, but will do my best to try and make it competitive for you.

  12. bsawkins says

    FGB was only fun once I had completed it. Hurt like hell throughout. I thought I had done ok at 336, until Stringer beat me with 342. Good job Stringer!!

  13. hahahahaha!
    It will be a new experience for both of us. Hopefully it will go better than when Garrett tried to help me with golf.

  14. Those are both good scores. Breaking 300 is great.

  15. Stringer says

    my lunch opened up today, so I pulled a 342 out of the hat…wish I could have done more box jumps and SDHP…FGB wasn’t as bad as I thought. Hope someone can break 400 tonight!

  16. Hey, CFNF is gearing up for another “Challenge” and we need some ideas. How to divide/pick teams. Any theme for the challenge? Should it be like the previous challenges that went Sat to Sat, or something else? Talk to us with any ideas you might have, tks.

  17. Great job today! 342 the first time is smokin!

  18. We should do it like “The Biggest Loser”, a la couples or “pairs”. Every WOD could be a combination of the best times of the two participants or maybe like in golf, “best ball”, where we take the best score of the respective team and that is posted. Each day X% of the teams are eliminated resulting in a showdown on Saturday for the two survivors, kinda like World Cup or March Madness…so its kinda like Biggest Loser/Best Ball/World Cup. The third and Fourth place guys go at it for 3rd place Saturday morning and then the showdown for top 2 at 10 am on Sat. As people are eliminated they keep participating in the WOD’s in an effort to try and add support for the remaining teams…How does this sound?

  19. Jacklyn….you should be there next time! Strong like bull!!!!
    I weigh in around 8am. They go over the “rules” at 9 and then I am not sure what happens. As I find out more I will let you know. I will be doing Back Squat, Dead Lift and Bench Press. 3 attempts at each lift hopefully going up in weight each lift. Would love to go 9 for 9 but my last lift in DL is a huge challenge for me as well as Bench. I think I will get the 3 BS attempts.
    I do know that is is $8 to get in and it is in the Wyndahm Hotel off 285 on National Hwy BUT I can list the exact address later this week.
    If you want to see a bunch of great lifting Saturday then come on….as for me I am just giving this a trial run.

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