
 AMRAP 15 Minutes

5 Pull Ups

10 Push Ups

15 Double Unders

Big Dawgs:

5 Rounds 

3 Muscle Ups

5 Power Cleans (155,105)

7 Burpees

Post time/rounds to comments.

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  1. There is a 5k/10k run on N Pt Pkway on Memorial Day (next Monday). It starts in front of the New Balance store. Cost is $25 and begins at 7:30AM. Who is in with Kim and I for the 5k? Whomever decides to join us will receive a compimentary CFNF t-shirt to wear during the race! Drink beer afterwards!

  2. I’m in!

  3. Trey Kubacak says

    See yall at 5:30 today!

  4. I’m in too:) Oh and I like my picture, thanks, Kim, I think it should be the invitation to my 50th birthday party if I were having one:)

  5. Dr. Malucci and Dave Rhode will be here at CFNF Wednesday June 2nd with a Hyperbaric Chamber. They are offering a rate of $120 for 4 visits for the first 10 people to sign up. This machine can enhance athletic performance, increase energy, shorten repair time, improve concentration and more. Email daveapptree@yahoo.com to set up your appointment. Also, you can talk to Pebbles for some input as she has had experience using one of these machine.

  6. Stringer says

    Wow…MU kicked my tail today. Should only get better from here. See yall tomorrow!

  7. MU were hard with the outward turn of the hands each time. 13:35Rx

  8. Just signed up!

  9. Justin’s in too.

  10. bsawkins says

    Pistol you couldn’t have rested another 20 secs. Good grief. If I could improve my cleans and Oly lifts I could half this time because the MU’s and burpees were easy in comparison. Ah well…lots to work on!

  11. I’m in for 10 and Kristen is in for 5.

  12. I wish I coulkd have done the BIG DAWG workout today….my hamstrings are screaming from the double unders…..enjoyed trying to keep up with campbell…8 rounds rx..I will be out the rest of the week…see everyone tues…be safe this weekend…

  13. Campbell says

    10 rounds + 5 pull ups + 10 push ups

  14. 12 Rx…tried keeping up with Breeze but couldn’t match his 13. Pushups were tough!