Christy gets a PR with her squat cleans this week. (Meanwhile the kids behind her are totally oblivious!)
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 reps
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The next local fitness challenge is Saturday, June 14 at CrossFit North Atlanta. As the event has grown, so has the bureaucratic hassle, and T-Rex is requiring that everyone sign up in advance. Sign up online here. Each event is better than the last, and this one looks to be no exception because rumor has it that there will be FREE BEER after it’s all over. These events are for everyone, not just elite competitors, so we want as many folks as possible to register and represent. As with the last challenge, points are awarded to each gym for the number of participants. We are the holders of the championship belt in this competition, and we want it to stay that way. So sign up now
Awesome work this morning! Hicky got 75, Tuna 115, The Donald 135 & Austin 179!
I will second that, good job y’all. The Donald was able to get 145 with great form: touching your butt to that medicine ball is like 90% of CrossFit workouts 🙂
I’ll see whoever is working out at 11…at 11!
Kim, thanks for the support this morning. And Tuna, well done on already reaching your goal of breaking 100!
These heavy days are a really good indication of how quick you can improve doing crossfit.
Fun times today, hope y’all like the new platform, we will make it pretty tomorrow or the next day.
Who is working out at the 7am time tomorrow?
Fun workout tonight J-Po!!! Freaking awesome form and impressive #’s you squatted!! I can’t believe you insisted on rowing that extra 1000 meters at the end. Wasn’t the 3 extra sets enough for you after a long day at the office?? YOU ROCK!
Nice to meet you Nick…hope Big Cindy didn’t hurt you too bad…she’s a mean one!
Gigi you are now competing with the boys on your weight they better watch out! True inspiration!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK I threw in the row for Brad even though he forgot to give us the $10 maybe he will bring us drinks next time…Nick great job that workout was not an easy one!!!!! Have fun at work I mean working out tomorrow!
See you Tuesday!