Thursday WOD


Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

Post loads to comments.

OR if you are at the beach on spring break your wod will be:

Prison Cell Burpees!

Start at one side of the beach and do 20 burpees, walk/run 100 feet and do 19 burpees, walk/run back and do 18 burpees.  Keep going until 1 burpee.  Post time/complaints to comments.

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  1. 210 burpees this morning! Gigi, I know you wish you were here. Maybe we can have an encore when you get here! gonna go find a boat to ride.

  2. I couldn’t imagine doing burpees in the sand. You probably need an entire cooler of beer to rehydrate.

  3. LMAO here in burpeefreeville!!! I hate to call BS on 210 burpees but you are all studs and studettes, if there is even a smidgen of truth to that one.
    Hittin’ the highway tomorrow!!!