
DSC_0007 Raul has 4 arms.



Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
10 Ring dips
20 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball

Post rounds completed to comments.


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  1. Hags, I’ll see you Friday.

  2. okay…have a good day jacklyn…..sorry I will miss jeremiah…:(

  3. bsawkins says

    Bench pressed, then power cleaned from the power position (the blocks really come in handy) then did the workout. 8rnds Rx. Absolutely shattered now. Going to do a short run tomorrow as an active rest day and then be in on Saturday for the affiliate league.

  4. Thanks for the [pink] socks Kim! You saved my ankles…though I can’t feel my arms. 6+8 Rx

  5. then did the workout. 8rnds Rx. Absolutely shattered now. Going to do a short run tomorrow as an active rest day and then be in on Saturday for the affiliate league.

  6. You saved my ankles…though I can’t feel my arms. 6+8 Rx