

Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
Run 400 meters
Max rep Pull-ups

Post number of pull-ups completed for each round to comments.

Ashley Westerheide, First Muscle-up – video [wmv] [mov] (Video courtesy of CrossFit.com)

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  1. yuck, it’s 29 degrees. I am a wimp when comes to running in the cold. See ya at 8:30.

  2. awesome video; i watched it first thing this morning. i am definitely inspired.
    reminder about tonight – invitation is open to anyone who wants to come to rusans (the one on hwy 9) around 8. hope to see you there!

  3. Nice job morning crew! Simone, Mark and Heather got big fat Rx’s by their name. Pebbles was all jacked up on the mountain dew! Finished in 12:30 (yesterdays wod) Nice work!

  4. Pistol, its Jack Stack! 12:30 RX WOD after 50 double unders( my goal is 100 this year) then ran the loop. Brrr! I hope this energy continues forever.
    See everyone at 4:30!!!!!!!!

  5. So is Mt Dew on the zone? Maybe I should try that! Then I could be all jacked up on Mt Dew and be crazy like Pebbles!

  6. Let me point out that while I did get an Rx, it was on yesterday’s workout…which was tough, but fun. I unfortunately cannot do pull ups without the band…yet…still working on that one, hopefully by this summer (or sooner).

  7. Congrats on the RX’s to the morning crew.. The workout today was hard but fun, I finally met Miguel.. He is stronger and faster than he looks…and so encouraging to me…thanks Miguel..He blew me away on the rounds and pull-ups and got his name on the board..Congrats!!! I got 4 rounds and squeaked out 51 pull-ups total ( on the red band )…No rx..but think I almost got those pull-ups..One more week!! And my hands aren’t ripping anymore….so that’s good.. Thanks to Breeze for counting my pull-ups and encouraging me to finish strong..I enjoyed seeing Kim and Brad at Stoney River tonight…it was a special treat!! Jpo, I hope I see you in the morning…