MONDAY 110103
3 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Overhead squats, 75 pounds
21 Pull-ups
Chris Spealler 9:18, Josh Everett 9:52, Kevin Montoya 11:26, Lance Cantu 12:10.
Post time to comments.
Compare to 050102.
********The Nutrition Challenge Starts next Monday*************
Come in and get weighed and get pics done (optional) this week. There is a $25.00 entree fee and awards will be given in three different categories; highest percent weight/body fat lost, highest seconds deducted from benchmark workouts, best before and after pic.
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Great turnout for the 6am crew! Brave souls Nick, Xena, Peaches, and me for running outside in the snot-freezing weather.
Peaches made it to the affiliate blog!!!
Yay Peaches! and good job this am guys.
Good WOD to comeback to. Those pull us were a lot harder than I remember!
23:54RX. Thank goodness for OHS.
Looking forward to this nutrition challenge. I am going to use the Robb Wolf 30 day Paleo solution. I am going to get organized this week and get our food in order to get started!
Off to take a shower then rock some pre-nutrition challenge photos 🙂
Thanks for lifting and WODDING with me Caswell. Brad…up yours.
Still can’t believe you did that in short and t-shirt. My lungs just finally thawed out.
1. TomM is nuts.
2. I’m can’t decide if it was the handprints on her ass or her socks that got her to the HQ blog.
3. I’m going to use portion control, no sugar and limited alcohol. I predict I’ll last maybe 27 hours.
Tough wod, esp after I destroyed myself on new years. Good one though.
Xena that is precisely how long I lasted. I just had dark chocolate. At least it’s paleo right?
Good to see Peggy back tonight!
We also will be using the Paleo Solution 30 day menu by Robb Wolf. I’m looking forward to looking and feeling better. Maybe I’ll get a PR!