
DSC_0026 Whoa!  Sammy's on the site!

Front Squat

3 X 3


MONDAY 110926

Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
10 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball
10 Toes to bar
10 Box jumps, 24" box

Adrienne Briggs 10 rounds + 6 wall ball (20" box, 14lb ball), Maggie Dabe8 rounds + 8 toes to bar (20" box, 14lb ball), Laura Dziak 7 rounds + 7 wall ball (20" box, 14lb ball).
Post rounds completed to comments.


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  1. G is doing his norm…lots of standing around

  2. Whatever, that’s just a picture of G where I happen to be in the foreground!

  3. Sammy looks studly.
    G-Dog looks like a before picture of a P90X ad.

  4. Great pic Sammy!! See you Friday Hags.

  5. Great pic Sammy!! See you Friday Hags.