Friday’s WOD

DSC_0043 That's a good looking 6am crew!


Three rounds for time of:
Run 800 meters
50 Back Extensions
50 Sit-ups

The Pimps retook their lead.  Check out the spreadsheet.  Pimps 172 – Vice 169

ATTN:  Memorial Day hours will be posted soon!

Watch Maryellen choke her opponent out!  Click here

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  1. Thanks to everyone for putting such a great effort this week! Only 2 days left! Make’em count!

  2. I posted this a while back: Memorial Day party at our house on Sunday at 3 pm. Email me for directions We live off exit 12. Kid-friendly. Rain plans will probably take it to Smokejack.

  3. Great Job 7 AM class. No matter what team you’re on, we’re all (according to nitro) sexy bitches.

  4. Hey…just wanted to ask again if anyone has my Olympic weightlifting book? It was at the gym on the white thing that stores our Oly shoes and holds the stereo. Someone borrowed it but I can’t remember who.