Join us at Paintball Atlanta ( at 5:00pm to celebrate Jonah’s 13th Birthday. The cost is $40.00. That’ll get you a gun, air, mask & paintballs! See you there!
In honor of "Jeremy"
Three rounds, 21-15- and 9 reps, for time of:
95 pound Overhead squats
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poop, poop, and double poop.
Have I mentioned lately that I HATE burpees???
And on a Friday…that’s just WRONG!
The ladies smoked me this morning. I swear everyone had enough time to take a nap when I finished that last burpee!
Great WOD.I enjoyed it. OHS are a challenge. Good job to the newbies.
See ya tomorrow. Hope the WOD hard as hell!
Good to be back – I missed everyone and needed a workout. I’ll get there tonight if at all possible – what on earth do you wear to this?
glad to have you back Peggalicious! If you come to paintball wear long sleeves and pants. We will be bringing an ice chest with water. We will be ordering pizza (zone unfriendly) to eat. Hope to see everyone there! Great WOD today, Gdog & Breeze and Pebbles smoked it today!
Don’t sell yourself SHORT Kim. 6 minutes and change is not too shabby cuz you beat us all by almost a minute.
Happy Birthday Jonah. Have fun shooting each other today. I will contribute by drinking a beer at my house.
Thanks for the props Pistol.
Happy Birthday Jonah and everyone PLEASE shoot at Brad for me!!!!!
HB Jonah! I hope you landed a few good ones to Brad for us!
Everyone had a great workout today and I met some new faces! Big Ed liked the wod so much he did it TWICE!
p.s. Burpees still….ya know!
Happy Birthday Jonah! I’m so sorry to have missed the fun!
BTW, Peggalicious is WAY better than Squealer!
Happy BDay Jonah…who won? My money was on Pistol…I mean her nickname is Pistol…we don’t have an AK47, if we did though…look out Pistol, et al.
happy birthday jonah,you know I would have whooped some ass at paintball. 🙂