Friday WOD


One round for time:

20 Wall Ball
3 man makers
20 Box Jumps
3 man makers
20 Pull Ups
3 man makers
20 Push Ups
3 man makers
20 Squats
3 man makers
800 m run

Post time to comments.

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  1. Did anyone notice Sean’s new shorts? I almost didn’t recognize him this morning!

  2. I love how different the workout’s are- thanks brad for this morning- the day I can do a proper push-up- is the day crossfit has performed a miracle (sweaty hug will be in order)

  3. It was a fun workout this morning. Well done everyone! I wish I could have run the 800m though… but my knee should be better by next week.
    Pebbles… we’ve been missing you at the morning classes. Where’ve you been?

  4. Hey Hicky! I have been around. I have worked out at night this week, except today…I was there at 7am. Great job LeAnn on your running. You were making it up that hill. Tell Eddie and Matt I don’t think bowling is an equal substitute for Xfit.
    Good work out. The run screwed me. I think I was at about 11 minutes until the 800m which took we over 6 maybe 7.
    Garrett and I are off to NY for 10 days. The boys are headed out with us for a work/visit family trip. We packed all our CFNF gear so we can represent at a couple Crossfit gyms we are going to visit.
    See you on June 10 everyone!
    Happy B-day Carebear.

  5. Good job today Tuna. I am curious about the nickname, though. Victoria – good luck with your knee.

  6. Austin M says

    Total at 1230 then WOD at 430…
    I love 2-a-days

  7. Okay – I’m now signed up for the June 14th challenge.

  8. Austin M says

    Hicky, you working out tom?

  9. Yeah, Alex and I will be at there at 9 🙂

  10. Nice job on your “total” Autism!

  11. Austin M says

    haha thanks, see you in an hour for round 2

  12. Thanks Pebbles! I have had quite a few “older” moments today.
    After reading through the emails, I am trying to make sure I am reading correctly and that this is not my age…Austin are you crossfitting twice today? I mean 2-a-days for me, usually involve some kind of cocktail or something…crazytown!

  13. Austin M says

    yeah, did that twice this week. I wanted to do a total as Rx’d from HQ (640) and then today’s workout looked fun so I just got done doing that. Today was one that I was finally good at. Short and sweet!
    see yall at 9