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January 18, 2008 by
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Hmmmmm…nothing is posted…trying to scare me??? Rest Day, maybe?? I’ll be there at 12:30 if for nothing else but to drink beer!
Just when your think your getting the hang of this….in comes a Brad Trego original to make me just nauseous! Made it through at 27 something.Whew.
PS Brad can’t count or add.
PSS. Kim, I tried some kipping pull ups..will need help on that!!!
Yeah…it was a tough one today….you kicked my butt Christy…I was 30 minutes and some change. Yes…I have been the victim of brad’s counting too. I wonder if he will do his own workout….hmmmmmmmmmm…..
I can count. 1….2….3….that’s how many stellas i have had so far this friday evening!
Thank you everyone for making our first week in our new home a success.
So far 1, 2, 3 Sam Adams. Always been able to keep up with you Brad in that dept.
To the boys in the picture, I have 2 words…. Hair Cut!!!
21:54 was my time for this easy workout today. Samuelson, pull your skirt up…I rock!
I think I may have been a victim of Brad’s counting as well….mine was unfortunately in the weight department for those thrusters. No, 1kg does not equal 1.1lbs, it equals 2.2lbs…. so if 26min is bad, its only because my skirt weighed twice as much as my trainer thought! I’m on your heels Kimmy-girl!