HQ Rest day.
50 Calories on Rower
5 Rounds
10 Thruster + Push Press (75,53)
10 Ball Slams (20/14)
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Share on FacebookHQ Rest day.
50 Calories on Rower
5 Rounds
10 Thruster + Push Press (75,53)
10 Ball Slams (20/14)
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Click the Green SugarWod “WODS” Button on the front page to see the WOD! Share on Facebook
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Thrusters!!! Hags, see you at lunch?
oh yes you will..:)
Just did the WOD. Definite shoulder FRYER! 12:47 RX 5 rounds. OUCH! There is an option for 3 rounds after the row which some people did this am.
I think I have Rhonda in my ass.
Hey yall… for those that are going to CFNF paintball
Since I didn’t get any deposits from enough people, I could get a private field, so if you want to play and don’t have your own equipment you HAVE TO call Atlanta paintball and request a reservation. If you do not call and make a reservation, you stand a chance of not being able to play. Call Paintball Atlanta at 770-594-0912 and let them know you are with Crossfit Northfulton to reserve your equipment. As of right now, I do not have a firm yes/no from anyone(other than 1 or 2 people) so please email me at craig.dj55@gmail.com or speak to Kim or Brad if you are definitely going. If we don’t have enough people we will just cancel/postpone it to another time.
There is not one person signed up for the Open Wod at 1:30 today. I have heard from a few of you that you were planning on doing it today…..you need to sign up online so we can plan it into our schedule.
Looks like we are a go. Make sure you call the get a reservation!
Lunchtime was stupendous. Thanks Hagler and Pistol for showing me how much more I have to improve. I enjoyed working out with you two, felt like when I first started. Quite sentimental. Love the Thrusters!!
whatever..u were only 10 seconds behind me…..got 5 workouts in this week…yay!!! my time was 17:50 rx,,,got 2 rx’s this week…:) see everyone tomorrow…shout out to JT and Meatball…..great job on the OPEN WOD today!!!
Good job HAGS and Jacklyn I think we are the ONLY ones who like thrusters!
Got 4 in a row this week. Will see about tomorrow. Gettin pretty sore 🙂