HQ Rest Day:
5 rounds:
5 Front Squats 135/95
10 Pull Ups
15 Abmat Wall Balls
250m Row
Post time to comments.
As of yesterday the score is: Team Bostic: 174 - Team Andy: 165
Holiday Hours:
We are closed Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!
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team andy! step it UP! get yourselves to the gym. those free drinks are slipping through my/our fingers…
Large 6am class of all boys.
Dixon has the time to beat!
Way to go Nick on RXing this WOD. This was his first WOD with no bands on PU!! Doc blew threw 135# front squats…and they were good!
Kuddos to M for getting off green.
I could barely walk when I got back to work after doing this workout. Y’all have fun!
Rumor has it Big Ed showed up and did the WOD today.
Thanks for challenging me this morning Pebbles. I needed it for the PU’s and squats. No looking back now.
that rumor has to be a farce. no chance he did the workout…it’s not a bodyweight-only WOD