
5 Rounds for time:

5 Deadlifts (255,185)
10 Burpees

Post time to comments.

At 11:30 Pistol will be practicing the following WOD followed by the Deadlift WOD.  Feel free to join in.

  • 2-position snatch – 75% x 2 sets, 80% x 2 sets
  • Snatch pull – 96% x 5 x 5
  • Snatch push press – 78% x 5 x 5
  • Back squat – 75% x 5 x 2, 80% x 5 x 4

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  1. Hey…I want to say thanks to CFNF…(click below)

  2. Dang, I hate to miss these WODs. G-dog and I will be home this week end.

  3. That was hilarious!

  4. Meatball let me know this morning that I was doing a “stripper deadlift” (butt coming up first) and that while sexy, is wrong. So thanks for that:)

  5. She knows about them stripper moves.

  6. Peggalicious says

    Obviously Xena does, too! 🙂

  7. was she a “performer”?

  8. Hey JT (and whoever else wants a laugh) – google “Bud Light in a can commercial”. Trust me.

  9. My stripper name is Strawberry, given to me by a ‘performer’ at the Platinum21 on Piedmont, where we went for our office Christmas party a couple of years ago. . . . (and I’m totally serious.)

  10. Xena is having a giant yard sale this weekend with all her friends and neighbors in historic Roswell. The Arts Festival is at the square on Saturday and Sunday. So come park with us, buy our ‘gently used’ treasures and then go eat a funnel cake at the Arts Festival! Rain or shine! (There’s 8 families participating! and we have good junk!)
    Sloan Street behind the Public House

  11. DD says:
    What is a “2-position snatch”?

  12. Good workout today. Short and sweet. Nice for a Friday.
    Breeze, I’m still walking so I think my hospital window has passed (knock on wood). Thanks for the guidance. Today was my 4th straight day so I think I’ll return on Monday.

  13. Seriously???

  14. Nooooooo! This is how rumors get started!

  15. i want a job with your company