_DSC0009 400m run

3 Rounds of:

10 Deadlifts (275,185)
50 Double Unders

400 m run

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  1. Nice 8 am crowd!
    I did the endurance WOD this am. 10 x 250m rowing sprints. About round 7 m legs were getting fried. Good fun.
    Have a great week-end everyone.

  2. Really sweet pic! Just really showcases the athleticism of a Crossfitter! Brad, you look ok too.

  3. In the heat, that WOD was brutal……or maybe I am just getting sick….. or maybe I am just (Kim fill in the blank)
    Nice to WO with Cambell. Were were the elite athletes from the 5:30 PM class?

  4. hahahahaha!

  5. hahahahahaha! again
    5:30 sux!