A. Find a 1 RM Strict Shoulder Press. Focus on taking a big breath in and holding it during the lift. Widening feet a little may help and you may slightly hinge back form the hips but do NOT DIP. Push the head under the bar as soon as it gets to eye level. Do not lean away from the bar and keep it close to your face.
Warm up
Bar x 5 x 2
55% x 5
65% x 3
75% x 2
then do singles to fnd a 1RM.
B. 50 double unders, rest 1 min x 4
Every time you break perform 5 wall balls. Record total time.
If no double unders then do 150 singles. Every time you break do 5 wall balls.
C. Tabata Sit Ups.
20 sec on, 10 sec off x 8.
Record your AVERAGE to the board.
[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]A. Back Squat @30×1 : Work up to a heavy single.
Write weight on board.
B1. Deadlift @2011 X 10 X 60% X 3; rest 60s
B2. Box Jumps X 10 X 3; rest 90s
C1. Bar Roll Outs (use Deadlift Bar) X 10 X 3; 60s
C2. Tire Flips X 10 X 3; 60s
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