Wednesday Workout of the Day

A.Shoulder Press 1 RM.
Bar x 5 x 2
55% x 5
65% x 5
75% x 3
85% x 2
Singles until you reach a 1RM.
Take a big breath in and hold it during your lift. Keep feet planted on the floor and shoulder blades pinched together .

Every 90 seconds for 6 rounds perform
30 double unders

Beginners do 3 negatives for HSPU AND CTB and 30 tuck jumps for DU.

[wptab name=’8:30am Hiit’]

With a partner: One person works at a time:

Stu gets 190 on his power clean!

Stu gets 190 on his power clean!

30 Double Unders
15 Power Snatch 65/45
5 sets each

+ (rest 5 Min)

150m Row
12 UB Wall Balls
10 Burpees
5 sets each.





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