Thursday Workout of the Day

With a partner

400M Run (together)
30 Clean and Jerks 135/95#
200 M Buddy Carry
8X Rope Climbs ( if no rope climb share 50 supine ring pull ups)
200m Farmer Carry 53/35# per hand
100 Burpees
400m Run

Run together but share all other work.

WOD adapted from SealFit WODs.

[wptab name=’8:30AM Strength’]A. CGBP @3011
70% X 5
80% X 5
85% X 5+
B1. Wtd Pull Ups @3011 X 2-5 X 3; rest 60
B2. Waiters Walk 50m/R & L X 3 53/35 X 3; rest 90s
C1. Pendlay Rows @20×1 X 10 X 3; 60s (may use straps)
C2. FLR in Rings 60 Sec X 3; 60s[/wptab]





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