Thursday Workout of the Day

A.Power Cleans
Find a 1 RM IN 12 minutes.

B. EMOM for 8 min- 3 HPC AT 75%-80% of 1RM

C. AMRAP 10 min
Row 250
10 burpees


[wptab name=’8:30AM’]

A. CGBP @30×1 work up to a heavy single. Record your results to the results board.
B1. Wtd Pull Up Negatives (or weighted pull ups) @3111 X 3-5 X 4
B2. Floor Press X 10 X 4
B3. Windshield Wipers X 10 X 4 (same bar as floor press)


10 Min AMRAP:
1 rope Climb
10 Box Jumps
100m Run

Maryann puts in the work!

Maryann puts in the work!



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