Thursday Workout of the Day

A.EMOM 8 minutes:
Even: 5 Power Cleans 135/95
Odd:5 Ring Dips or 3 negatives

B. RFESS @31X1 8 reps R/L rest 1 min x 3

C. With a 90 second clock perform 15 KBS and then AMRAP Burpee bread jump the remainder of the 90 seconds. Rest 3 min


A. Shoulder Press; Work up to a heavy single, record your number on the board
B1. DBBP @3010 X 12 X 3
B2. Supine Ring Rows @30×1 X 12 X 3
100 Single JR
10 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
90 Single JR
9 Pull Ups
9 Push Ups
80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 10


So long Coach Griffin! We’ll see you next time! Thank you for all your help this summer!

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