A. Find 1 RM Back Squat Focus on taking a big breath in and holding it during the squat. Keep torso upright and elbows vertical with shoulder blades pinched together tightly.
Warm up
Bar x 5 x 2
55% x 5
65% x 3
75% x 2
then do singles to fnd a 1RM.
B. WTD pull
Ups. 2.2.2 rest 15 sec/rest 2 min x 2
AD 20 sec AFAP, rest 2:00
X5 p1,p2,p3,p4,p5 share an AD. Record calories of each round to the board.
[wptab name=’8:30AM Hiit’]
2 Min AMRAP/1 Min Rest X 10 Sets
5 Burpees
10 KBS
15 Double Unders
Row or AD for calories in remaining time.
Rest 1 minute between rounds. Post number of calories rowed each round to comments.
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