Tuesday Workout of the Day

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 10 minutes working up to a challenging pause (3 second pause at the knee) squat clean + squat clean (80-90% effort). Or perform 2 sets on the minute for 5 minutes at 50-60%.

Strength: None.

Super Set: None.

Metabolic Conditioning: “The Man Who Sold the World

           For time. Health: 4 rounds, Performance/Athletic*: 5 rounds

4 squat cleans (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 85lb* / Performance: 135lb), power clean to front squat acceptable

8 Ring push-up

100m bumper plate farmer carry (Health: 25lb dumbbells / Athletic: 25lb* / Performance: 45lb)

16 burpees

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 15 – 21 minutes, about 4 min per round. Scale Up: 155/95lb bar

Compare to: July 10, 2016

Coaching Tips: This is a steady grinder so don’t come out too fast on the first round or two.  If your form isn’t great for a squat clean, then just do a power clean into a front squat. For the ring push-ups, the rings must be a couple inches off of the ground [with the straps verticle] for ‘Performance.’ Scaling [ring posh-ups] would be moving the feet forward so the straps are at an angle. The bicep mus touch the rings (at a minimum) for the rep to be full range of motion (and full lock out at the top of course). The bumper plate farmer carries mean you can hold them in the hub or at the bottom. Be careful sprinting the burpees, until the later rounds, since it will make everything else much more difficult.

Optional ‘Cash Out’: None.

Kerrie Napoli, we are so proud of you!

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