Every 4 min for 4 rounds:
20 Barbell Lunges (Record Weight)
Power Clean 95/65
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“Make it a CrossFit Day” Save the Date: May 3rd we have a ton of events.
1. Come watch the Raging Bulls compete at 9:00AM at Crossfit Breaking Boundaries
2. Then at 11:00 join us to celebrate our friend, CrossFit Alpharetta’s grand opening. This will be a First Four event and the trophy will be passed so I don’t want to beg but puh puh puh Please come!
3. Finally to wrap up the evening our good friends at Hop Alley Brew Pub are hosting a CFNF happy hour from 4PM to 6PM with FREE beer and apps. This is strictly for members so don’t bring any stragglers. Murph, we already know you’re coming (free snacks, duh), no need to RSVP!