Thursday Workout of the Day

Thursday – May 18, 2017 – 170518

Context: Mental Toughness

Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: 3 rounds of Cindy, tagging a partner in after each round.

Strength: 7×2 Power Snatch – 11 of 14 (7 sets of 2 reps, same weight across, approximately 90 – 100% of max power snatch)

Super Set: 7×4 Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Shoulder Press (7 sets of 4 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge).

Metabolic Conditioning:Eleanor

6 minute AMRAP (as many rounds for time)

8 Deadlift (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 85lb* / Performance: 135lb)

6 Hang Power cleans (same)

4 Overhead squat (same/same/front squat)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 3.5-7 rounds, about 1:15 per round. Scale Up: 155 lbs / 95lbs (esp. if you did 7/8 rounds last time!)

Compare to: November 9, 2016

Coaching Tips: Be smart about how you break this one up (like “DT”).  When you need breaks, stop at the 7th deadlift.  Then you can do the 8th before setting up for the set of hang power cleans.  Similarly, rest after the 5th clean so you only have to do one extra deadlift before finishing the hang power cleans and going straight into the overhead squat. The goal is to not break up the overhead squat.  If you want to go faster, go right into the deadlifts after the overhead squats (then rest after 7).  If you start losing midline stability, take a couple moments with the bar in the back rack before jerking into the overhead position. Progress down to front squats if the overhead squat gets ‘sketchy’ to keep the intensity up.  Snatch balancing the first rep will count as an overhead squat rep.

Optional ‘Cash Out’: max calorie row or airbike, 4 minutes

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Wednesday Workout of the Day

Context: Practice

Mobility: Ankle

Skill Practice Warm Up: Hollow Rocks. 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off for 5 minutes.

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Still Not a Player

For time. Performance/Athletic*: 5 rounds, Health: 4 rounds

Bar Muscle-up (Health: 6 jumping chest-to-bar pull-ups + 6 toes to bar / Athletic: 4* / Performance: 6)

30′ single arm Overhead dumbbell lunge (Health: 15lb / Athletic*: 30lb / Performance: 45lb)

16 Russian Kettlebell Swings (Health: 35lb / Athletic*: 53lb / Performance: 70lb)

16 Butterfly sit-ups

16 Box jumps (Health: 12” / Athletic*: 20” / Performance: 24”)

1 min rest

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 17 – 23 min, about 4 min per round including rest.

Compare to: May 1, 2016

Coaching Tips: Really emphasize the ‘glide kip’ style of bar muscle up with as little dip at the top as possible. No chicken wings! If you chicken wing, stop the set or rest long enough to ensure you don’t do another one.  If you are only good for 1-2 bar muscle ups per round, do them at the start, then finish with some jumping pull ups and toes to bar (don’t just default to the Health option for all rounds).  Alternate arms as desired on the overhead lunges.  If you legs start getting heavy in the later rounds, make sure you take your time on the box jumps to avoid and mishaps. That said, push the intensity when possible on the kettlebell swings through the jumps because of the 1 min rests. Total time does not include final rest (as always).

Optional ‘Cash Out’: none

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Tuesday Workout of the Day

Tuesday – May 16, 2017 – 170516

Context:   Competition

Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to your max weighted pistol x 3 (or progression)

Strength: 3-2-2-2-1-1-1-1 split jerk or push jerk (adjust weight with each set)

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Drop the clutch”

In 6 minutes

1 jerk (Health: 55lb / Athletic: 73lb / Performance: 135lb)

1 (20′) shuttle run out and back, no line touch

2 jerks

2 round trip shuttle

3 jerks

3 round trip shuttle


* Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 30 – 100 reps. Scale up: 155lbs/93lbs

Compare to: January 12, 2014

Coaching Tips: Hustle on the shuttle runs, and take your time on the jerks. No line touch on the shuttle runs. You are better off trying to do bigger sets on the shoulder to overhead (rather than having to do lots of extra cleans). Catch the jerk with ‘soft knees’ when you lower the bar so you aren’t slamming the bar onto your shoulders. You can use a split jerk or push jerk as long as you bring your feet together before lowering it. If you tend to shoot the bar out in font on jerks, make sure your shoulders are mobilized well, and that you aren’t going too deep into the dip portion. It should be short and explosive!

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 10 burpees, 10 toes to bar, 4 minutes

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Monday Workout of the Day

Context: Practice

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: None

Strength: 7×1 Power Snatch – 10 of 14 (7 sets of 1 rep, same weight across, approximately 90 – 100% of max power snatch)

Super Set: 7×3 Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Shoulder Press (7 sets of 3 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge).

Metabolic Conditioning: “CrossFit Games Open 11.4”

10 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

60 Burpee (Bar Facing)s

30 Overhead Squats (Health: 45lb / Athletic*: 90lb / Performance: 120lb)

10 Muscle-Ups (Health: 2 pull ups -or progression-, 2 ring push ups, 10 rounds, Athletic: 6 MU, Performance*: 10 MU)

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 0.95  – 1.3 rounds (or about 95 – 130 total reps). Scale Up: Use the ’round number’ on the plates: 95/135 bar.

Compare to: CrossFit Open 11.4 (Benchmark)

Coaching Tips: The bar weight is strange because this is what CrossFit prescribed on the Open 2011 version. If you aren’t logging this as a benchmark, feel free to round this to the nearest load that uses the least amount of small plates. Move fast on the burpees, but do not blow your shoulders up. You will need them on the overhead squats and the muscle ups/ring push-ups. Pace the burpees so you can go right into the first round of overhead squats with no rest. Consider resting the bar on your back if you do not want to pick it up, but dropping the bar once or twice is still a good option. Get right on the muscle ups to get that first set in, then pace them so you can finish strong. If you make it to the burpees, go hard!

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 200m run, 4 rounds of cindy, 200m run

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Saturday Workout of the Day

Context: Competition

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working on handstand, handstand walking, and kipping handstand push up drills.

Strength: 3-3-3-3-3 deadlift (5 sets of 3 reps, increase weight with each set)

Super Set: 3-3-3-3-3 strict weighed pull up (or progression)

Metabolic Conditioning:Moore“ (Hero Workout)

20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

1 Rope Climb, 15 ft (Health: 3 rope lay downs)

400M Run

Max rep Handstand push-up

Post number of handstand push-ups completed for each round to comments.

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 5 – 8 rounds. About 3.5 minutes per round.

Compare to: BTWB – Moore (CrossFit Hero Workout)

Coaching Tips: Come out hard on the first round or two, but settle into a slower pace early on. Try to do the first few rounds of rope climbs with your ‘left’ foot (not your usual one), and save your usual leg for the later rounds when you get tired. Run so that you can come right in and do a rope climb without resting. For this workout, perform one set of kipping handstand push-ups per round.  When you take a break or come off the wall, that ends the set. Log total rounds, but make note of total HSPU in the notes section.

Bootcamp: TBD

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Friday Workout of the Day

Context: Practice

Mobility: Hip

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working up to a challenging (80-90%) hang squat snatch plus overhead squat. Or perform 3 reps of the complex on the minute for 6 minutes at 50-60%.

Strength: 6×3 Power Snatch – 9 of 14 (6 sets of 6 reps, same weight across, approximately 80 – 90% of max power snatch)

Super Set: 6×5 Half Kneeling Single Arm DB Shoulder Press (6 sets of 5 reps, “across,” scale to the same challenge).

Metabolic Conditioning: “Backhoe“

5 rounds for time.

8 dumbbell hang power cleans (Health: 20b / Athletic: 30lb* / Performance: 45lb)

8 dumbbell push press (same)

8 round trips of 20′ forward, 20′ backward running

*Women’s “As Prescribed” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 6 – 10 min, about 2 min per round. Scale Up: 53/35lb kb

Compare to: January 24, 2017

Coaching Tips: Keep the dumbbell path close to the body and don’t let them drift way out in front (turning it into more of a curl). Be sure to use a good hip drive on the push presses. For the forward / backward runs, push the pace on the sprint going forward and be more careful on the backward run so you don’t trip! When you transition from backward to forward, avoid a big explosion and stressing out your Achilles/calf (explosive change of directions here can cause a calf strain).

Optional ‘Cash Out’: 60s plank, 30 cal row, 3 rounds

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Thursday Workout of the Day

Context: Practice

Mobility: Shoulder

Skill Practice Warm Up: Spend 8 minutes working on Turkish Get Ups. Perform at least 4 per side.

Strength: none

Super Set: none

Metabolic Conditioning: “Dockworker”

For calories – 5 ‘cycles’

In 3 min

6 ‘heavy’ power cleans or squat cleans (Health: 65lb / Athletic: 105lb* / Performance: 155lb)

15 push-ups (Health: 10 scaled / Athletic: 10*/ Performance: 15)

Row for max calories

2 min rest

*Women’s “Performance” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide: 80-160 Calories, about 20-25 calories per round. Scale Up: 185/135lb cleans and kipping handstand push-ups instead of push-ups.

Compare to: February 19, 2017

Coaching Tips: Choose a clean load that you will have to break up on the second round by the latest. The goal is to start the push-ups around the 60 second mark, and finish them no later than the 120 second mark. If you hit the second minute and you haven’t finished push-ups, go to the rower anyways and subtract one calorie for each unfinished push-up at the end of the workout. Keep the push-ups ‘legit’ and don’t let yourself start worming. Start each row off with a couple short pulls to get the flywheel up to speed, and then row hard because of the 2-minute rest. Adjust the load (of the barbell for cleans) during the rests if necessary!

Rowing sub: 2 muscle cleans (65/95lb or about 50% of max), 2 burpees = 4 cal

Optional ‘Cash Out’: none

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